For chronic pain patients or those with severe addictions, using an opioid maintenance medication can provide relief and help reduce the risk of relapse.
How Can You Treat One Opiate Addiction with Another Opioid?
Several treatment methods can help people break free from opiate addiction. One of the most common treatments includes the use of a synthetic opioid such as buprenorphine. You may be wondering how it’s possible to treat an opiate addiction with another opioid medication. Here are some of the details about why and how using a synthetic opioid can be a useful and safe part of opiate addiction treatment.
How Buprenorphine and Similar Drugs Work
Opiate medications bind to the opiate receptors in the body. This produces a euphoric or “high” feeling in many users. Drugs used such as in oxycontin addiction treatment such as buprenorphine (Subutex) include either a synthetic opioid alone or in combination with naloxone (Suboxone). If you’d like to know more about how stepping down to synthetic opioids can help you, the friendly experts at 800-934-1582(Sponsored) are always happy to answer your questions.
The inclusion of naloxone is especially important because it blocks the opiate receptors, making the user unable to get high from the drugs. When formulated with naloxone, buprenorphine causes extremely unpleasant withdrawal symptoms if you take it along with drugs of abuse like heroin. The drug’s effects help you to develop a natural desire to avoid taking narcotics.
The Use of Synthetic Opioids in Detox and Rehab

Using a medication maintenance program can help you feel like yourself again.
Many people fear trying to get clean because they expect to go through terrible withdrawal symptoms. Their only previous experience with quitting opiates might be from trying to quit using the cold turkey method. But going through a professional oxycontin addiction treatment program has a wide variety of available tools to help the addict get off drugs with as minimal discomfort as possible.
A medically supervised detox period is one of the safest and most effective ways to begin a treatment program. Many programs use synthetic opioids or combination drugs like suboxone to help reduce the intensity of drug cravings.
Short- and Long-Term Maintenance Therapy
One of the most useful benefits of buprenorphine and similar drugs is to help opiate addicts resist the urge to continue abusing drugs like oxycontin and heroin. The initial goal is not necessarily to achieve total sobriety, but as a harm reduction technique. Using synthetic opioids like buprenorphine creates a “ceiling effect” so that more harmful drugs are less effective, thus making the user unable to get high.
Some people may only continue taking synthetic opioids for a relatively short period of time as they step down from active addiction to more harmful substances. However, other people may use these medications for long-term maintenance. These drugs can be appropriate and safe for long-term use, especially when compared to the dangerous side effects and risky behaviors associated with drugs like oxycontin or heroin.
Use in Chronic Pain
Many people become addicted to opiates such as oxycontin and prescription pain killers after suffering from severe injury or chronic illness. Tolerance to these medications tends to build quickly, which leads to unintended addictions. Even when people decide that they want to be free from the addiction to medication, they still have underlying pain issues that need to be addressed.
Because synthetic opioids like buprenorphine are also analgesics, they can relieve pain while also helping addicts to discontinue use of other drugs. The patient may still be physically dependent on a narcotic medication, but the inability to abuse the medication will reduce the likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors such as illegally seeking out more prescriptions.
Oxycontin addiction treatment is the best way to try to break free from dependence on medication. When you keep an open mind and consider including the use of alternative medications, your chances of success are much greater. Call the compassionate, helpful staff at 800-934-1582(Sponsored) today.
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